  Overseer Infobase
© Siemens AG 2024, contact: Administrator(s)    2024-07-27 10:08 (Berlin)
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Siemens ID 2-Factor Authentication for External Users 2022-04-14
!! 2-Factor Authentication for all external users !!

Dear OIB external users,

as of now the OIB requires 2-Factor Authentication for all external users through Siemens ID

If you are not able to use the MS EntraID login you will need to register yourself in the Siemens ID partner service. You can do this by clicking on the [ Login with MyID ] button in the login form and then follow the link for external partners. If you still do not have an account please click in the second screen on the "Sign Up/Register"-link and follow the instractions. You will be asked to enter you email and then to either configure an authentication app on your mobile phone as a second login factor or optionally to type your phone number in order to receive login SMS. You can read more about it in our User Guide - Siemens ID 2-Factor Authentication for External Users.pdf.


The OIB Support Team